Monday, July 23, 2007

Ottawa Chamber Music Festival & Prime Rib Roast

‘If music be the food of love... play on... give me excess of it, that the appetite may sicken and so die’..... In context this is dangerous, but superficially.... it's fun...

Actually I am reading Hemingway... for whom the bell tolls...

The Ottawa Chamberfest is more than just chamber music... it is classical as well... and for all of those who like classical music... here's an idea for a special treat for that special night out.....

If you are looking for roast beef, sorry... eh, prime rib roast... why don't you try the pre theater special at Fridays.... seating before 6pm, $29.75 for a 4 course meal….. soup or salad, prime rib Friday's cut, (maple syrup) crème caramel and then tea/coffee/herbal. According to my rules, that should bring you to $120 plus 30% or $150.... Should be pretty good.... Not cheap, but you can tell me about the quality of the rib roast at that price; and at least you can have some decent reds with the rare roast.... Then you can take her out to the chamber fest for an 8pm show... at the Dominion Chalmers Church, which is air-conditioned.... or one of the other concerts at another church... you’ll have to check the fest’s schedule…

Angela Hewitt was on tonight and she was just this side of outstanding!!!! Tuesday is the Moscow string quart doing Beethoven. Wednesday night is the Gryphon Trio doing Mozart and Thursday is the shanghai quart doing Beethoven again....

Would be special for her birthday, especially if she likes classical music...

And if you like other alternatives for a decent roast beef.... Mooney's Bay was not bad and so was Rideau Carleton Raceway, but you have to be there pretty early...6pm is good... to get decent rare roast beef.... Then there is the Keg at Maplelawn...haven't tried that one yet; and of course if you're a golfer... the ClubLinks course at Kanata Lakes for their weekend roast beef dinner... pretty fantastic, but you need a membership and you need to be there early. Then there’s The Mill…. a long lost icon of Ottawa prime rib roasts….

Other than that... I am afraid that there are no decent prime rib roast places in Ottawa... not saying that any of these are really as good as.... you fill in the blanks….. The bell tolls for a place that can make a decent prime rib roast in Ottawa! I am taking reservations.... hahaha

Hemingway would have eaten at La Botin and roast pork! That guy was really into Spain….

2007 07 23

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