Saturday, August 04, 2007



Had a German Fraulein as a friend once and she introduced me to this strange name for a white wine…, not being a white wine drinker at all back then. It’s in the past tense now of course, but I never did forget the experience...

Only recently did I find out that Gewürztraminer means a spicy white wine… and the German word for Gewurzt is spicy? Or is that the other way around?

Being such an un-spicy country… sauer being the taste of the kraut…. this is as spicy as it gets, and I wondered about how the two connected…. well it is German and it’s from the Alsace.

See for further info... the magic of the net…..

No wonder German food is so un-spicy…. Goes well with chinese food though…. Kind of a spicy, but not as spicy as Indian food level of spiciness I guess…. And goes with fatty foods… another chinese food anomaly….. Have the dryer Gerzt though.

Pinot Gris anyone….?


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